Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Colic in Newborns
To provide comfort to newborns, experiencing colic episodes, this guide covers the homeopathy remedies for colic. They assemble natural remedies for some symptoms such as irritability, gassy, and tummy discomfort and tell when each remedy is useful in such cases.

Taking homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns as a gentle care technique for your newborn can be safely done by first consulting your baby’s doctor and then monitoring your baby’s response to the remedy.
In addition to these remedies, the guide provides such recommendations as the impact of the environment, gentle massages, and proper burping after feeding. All in all, parents can combine all these methods in the use of homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns to relieve their baby’s pain.
1. Understanding Colic
It is agreed that colic is a relatively common condition predominant in the first month of life and characterized by paroxysmal crying in healthy infants. It often occurs in the evening and maybe for several hours duration depending on the severity of the case. The process is rather difficult due to increased crying and it is rather difficult to comfort the baby, many parents report. Colic is usually at its worst sometime between the baby’s fourth and sixth weeks, and most babies start to show improvement by the time they are twelve weeks old.
It is not known why colic occurs, and the possible factors include digestive problems and the baby’s wrong nearby environment. Parents will accord the homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns positive results as they offer safe and natural ways of dealing with colic pains.
2. What to Do for the Newborn with Colic Homeopathic Treatment
Colic treatments that include homeopathic remedies are particular treatment approaches that are natural and try to match a certain symptom. These remedies therefore avail themselves to the forth soothe discomfort reducing the likelihood of more crying episodes. Here are three popular options:
2. 1. Chamomilla
- Best for: Babies who constantly fuss, but are soothed only by rock or being carried around.
Chamomilla is easily one of the best-known homeopathic remedies for colic in babies. But especially for babies who look very irritable or colicky. They can scream loudly like they are in so much pain, and only stop as soon as they are picked up or relocated.
- How it helps: Chamomilla is for very loud crying and for abdominal pain.
- Unique sign: Those children benefitting from it are those who have one cheek rosy while the other cheek is bluish.
2. 2. Colocynthis
- Best for: Babies who prefer to use an Indian posture, with their knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and hands underneath them. The next among homeopathic remedies for newborn colic is Colocynthis. This is helpful when a baby has a lot of griping pain or is having spasms in his or her stomach. These babies usually writh or sit with their legs drawn up to the abdomen and tuck their chin in, in an attempt to make themselves as small as possible to minimize the agony.
- How it helps: This remedy functions in the sense that it relieves the spasmodic cramps and gives corresponding alleviation from the spasm.
- Unique sign: Tummy pain is common and your baby may get comfort from pressure, for instance, you touching them against your chest or massaging their belly.
2. 3. Carbo Vegetabilis
- Best for: Babies with gas and bloating. Carbo Vegetabilis is good for babies that are so uncomfortable due to excessive gaseous distension. From all homeopathic remedies for colic in newborn, this one works to improve digestion and address a buildup of gas. These babies may be appearing too fussy and may require a lot of burping.
- How it helps: It helps to free off the gas that might be making the baby uncomfortable.
- Unique sign: The remedy is most helpful for babies who tend to feel relieved when they are burped or when the upper body is placed upwards.

2. 4. Pulsatilla
- Best for: Children who cling to their parents, cry a lot. Among the homeopathic remedies Pulsatilla is the best for a colic in newborns for children who are easily emotional and fussy. These babies require comfort;EST these babies can only feel better if they are held. Pulsatilla is applicable to babies that require parental care and have many emotional complaints.
- How it helps: Pulsatilla is ideal for digestive disorders attributed to the intake of rich food since the mother breastfeeding the child has consumed rich or spicy food. It can also be very helpful when your baby has colic pains that increase in the evening, and give relief during the worst possible time.
- Unique sign: If your baby is fussy, dependent on you, and tearful, you may use Pulsatilla. This remedy is helpful to babies who cry out of distress and with digestive problems.
2. 5. Nux Vomica
- Best for: Crying infants who cannot seem to have proper digestion. Nux vomica is another good homeopathic remedy for colic in newborn babies especially for those who are cranky Fred and have digestive issues. These babies have been reported as likely to have constipation, indigestion or even feeling uncomfortable after eating.
- How it helps: It is beneficial for babies in that it solves the problem of constipation and indigestion in babies. The formula is ideal for babies who show signs of colic as well as digestive discomfort.
- Unique sign: The remedy called Nux Vomica is especially good for babies that are sensitive to sound, light, or motion; they fuss and are hard to console.
2. 6. Magnesia Phosphorica
- Best for: The pain is colicky and this becomes better when the area of the abdomen affected is warmed up. Magnesia Phosphorica is considered one of the most effective homeopathic remedies for treating colic in newborns if the baby has sharp cramped pains in the stomach. It is especially essential if the baby’s signs of pain appear to diminish when the child is warmed or cuddled.
- How it helps: This remedy gives relief from sharp cramping pains and colics.
- Unique sign: Magnesia Phosphorica is best given under a warm application such as the use of a hot water bag or warm cloth to relieve the pain of the baby. If your baby becomes comforted by warmth then this remedy will assist in easing your child’s discomfort.
2. 7. Lycopodium
- Best for: Overly gassy babies in the afternoon. If the baby suffers from swelling or excessive gas, then Lycopodium is the best homeopathic medicine for colic in newborns. Babies, which are affected by this kind of colic, can suffer from flatulence and it seems that any attempt to release it is the most painful in the afternoon.
- How it helps: Lycopodium also aims at enhancing digestion as well as decreasing the pressure elicited by stowed gas which causes aches.
- Unique sign: This remedy is worthwhile if the child develops more severe pain during 4-8 hours, it is during this time that most of the babies with colic become uncomfortable. If left with a bloated baby, Lycopodium can help a baby who seems to be in pain all through because of the gassiness involved.
2. 8. Arsenicum Album
- Best for: Babies who cry incessantly and become worse at night, particularly at midnight. Arsenicum Album should be prescribed for babies that have restlessness and are uncomfortable mostly late at night after midnight. These babies may also have burning pains and may seem to want to feed frequently and a little at a time.
- How it helps: Arsenicum Album relieves sleeplessness and conditions with burning sensations. It’s particularly helpful when babies wake up frequently at night, for reassurance and small amounts of food.
- Unique sign: Arsenicum Album may also prove helpful if your baby wakes up at night and is irritable and hard to calm down.
2. 9. Belladonna
- Best for: Symptoms appear in a sudden manner with a flushed face. Belladonna is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies for colic in babies, particularly in those babies who have not manifested colic symptoms and suddenly developed complaints. The baby may add a little red face, may sweat, or be extremely uncomfortable.
- How it helps: Long used for sudden onset of symptoms with a hot head and cold extremities, Aconitum works better than belladonna. It is helpful for babies who appear to have occasional, severe colic spasms.
- Unique sign: If the rose-red face is the result of a sudden bout of colic, Belladonna may be what your baby needs to stop the crying.
2. 10. Bryonia
- Best for: Babies who improve when they lie still. If your baby is uncomfortable and cries a lot moving around seems to aggravate the colic pain, then Bryonia among the homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns is the best. Babies who must be placed on their backs to get relief can find a great deal of comfort from this treatment.
- How it helps: Bryonia soothes the abdominal pain and colic; especially in cases where the baby becomes cranky or cries when touched.
- Unique sign: SCCA recommends that Bryonia should be given when the baby seems content when put down and would like to lay flat rather than be moved or held.
- Infantile colic is prevalent in newborns, characterized by spasms of intense crying. Natural remedies for colic in newborns can help. These remedies are individual for some complaints and offer tender maps. A brief description of five additional homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns that address various colic symptoms is described below.
3. The Most Significant Factors in Utilizing Homeopathy in the Management of Colic in Neonates
When using homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns, it is essential to consider a few important points:
It is always important to seek professional advice next time before using any remedy.
If beginning with supplement use, it is advisable to begin with the lowest potency on the market.
Make sure to monitor all baby reactions to the remedies you apply step by step.
All side effects should be reported to a doctor but if any of these reactions are noticed the product should not be used.
These remedies should be used alongside traditional therapy and should not be used alone.
4. Additional Support Measures
In addition to homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns, parents can take further steps to help soothe their baby:
- Keep your environment as calm as possible to ensure the baby and the rest of the family do not get stressed.
- Bath your baby gently, and include gentle baby massage as this is known to reduce pain and enhance digestion.
- Either play white noise or soft music appropriate for the baby so as to have the baby calm down.
- Give the baby a good burp after each feed to help prevent the development of gas.
Note, that diet changes are possible as some foods can lead to colic, especially if the baby is breastfed.
5. Why Choose Homeopathic Remedies for Colic in Newborns?
Colic is considered a universal worry for new parents, and although conventional medical treatments can manage the symptoms, they may also interfere with the baby’s appetite or cause further discomfort, so homeopathic remedies for colic found on sites like Skintuitive are completely safe. Precise doses of these remedies are harmless, but a doctor should be consulted before attempting to use them.
The rationale for using homeopathic remedies formulized for colic in newborns
They are mild and harmless remedies for colic signs.
They are aimed at specific conditions such as; when you feel irritated, you have too much gas, and the like.
Common homeopathic remedies for newborn colic can be administered along with other comforting measures, for example, baby massage or burping after a meal.
Colic is essential to understand, and together with reviewing home cures for colic in newborns, parents can look for ways that will not harm their baby. Pay attention to your baby’s reaction and show the picture to any pediatrician when necessary.
In conclusion, homeopathic remedies for fine in the newborn can be of immense help in terms of helping to calm crying spells, relieve discomfort, and bring about calmness between a baby and parents.
Thus, homeopathy is a soft tissue and therefore much more suitable for colic in newborns than standard pharmacological drugs. Preparations like Dioscorea, Podophyllum, Senna, Staphysagria, and Aethusa can ameliorate so many complaints that are as localized as severe twisting pains, extreme gas, cardiac sensitivity, feeding complaints, etc.
Such remedies whenever selected in accordance with the characteristic symptoms of the baby shall be soothing not only to the baby but to the parents as well. With regard to the use of homeopathy in the treatment of colic in newborns, it is only advisable to use them under the supervision of a professional practicing homeopathy, beginning with a low potency ensuring close observation of the newborn child’s response.
These remedies should be used as adjuvant therapy rather than a replacement for the colic treatment hence the need to ensure that colic is well managed fully. Combined with correct application and such oversedation techniques as gentle massage, burping, and slow and soft calming, homeopathy may be of great use for newborns with colic, thus providing the necessary relief for the baby and the whole family.
FAQs: Is Colic in Newborns Best Treated With Homeopathic Remedies
- Which homeopathic treatment has the most effectiveness for initial newborn colic?
Homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns are non-invasive remedies that soothe the baby, his cries, discomfort, and gas. A few of the homeopathy remedies for colic in newborns include; Colocynthis, Chamomilla, and Magnesia Phosphorica. These remedies are selected depending on the symptoms exhibited by your baby. It is important that you consult your baby’s doctor or homeopath before giving the following remedies to your child.
- Is giving homeopathic treatments for childhood colic effective?
Yes, homeopathic treatments for colic in babies are actually harmless when used appropriately. They are natural-based and diluted for skin and infant use. But it’s always wise to use homeopathic remedies for colic in a newborn baby under the supervision of a health care provider.
- What should I expect while homeopathically treating newborn colic?
The methods of homeopathic cures appropriate for a colicky baby have to be selected according to your baby’s symptoms. This must be very useful when your baby is particularly fussy and gassy, which can be a remedy for Colocynthis or Chamomilla. A homeopath will advise you on which of the homeopathic remedies for baby colics will suit your baby most.
- How do the homeopathic remedies for colic in newborns treat the condition?
Some of the homeopathic treatments for colic in newborns help in regulating the baby’s digestion. They help to enhance the healing process or lessen some signs and symptoms such as crying, discomfort, and bloating. Homeopathic remedies for colic in babies should be taken because they are natural substances with no chemicals.
- Is it safe to give my baby homeopathic remedies for colic as well as medication, aside from peed?
In most cases, it is possible to use homeopathic remedies in combination with other medicines that are being administered to colicky newborns. Nevertheless, the parent should always consult the pediatrician or homeopath before using two or more remedies for newborn colic along with other medications or treatments for the condition.